Hosted Checkout

Once you have created a cart in the PaymentExpress system to hand off for payment using the Cart Handoff API, you will get a JSON response formatted like below.

  "cartId": "4ed4137c-3d89-44ad-92a1-c9f3e916f51e",
  "checkoutURL": "<<govhubClient>>/<<defaultOnlineLocation>>/redirect/4ed4137c-3d89-44ad-92a1-c9f3e916f51e"

At this point you can redirect the user on your system to the checkoutURL. This will direct the user to a PaymentExpress payment portal where the user will be shown the items in their cart, the total, and offer them the ability to make a payment with whatever supported tenders are enabled. Any fees that will result from the transaction and tender election will be made clear to the user as well.