JUMP TOPaymentExpress Client APIAuthenticationFetch Auth TokenpostOnline CheckoutCreate Online Checkout RedirectpostCheck Online Cart StatusgetDiscard Abandoned CartdeleteHosted In Person CheckoutCreate OTC Checkout RedirectpostCheck OTC Cart StatusgetEmbedded In Person CheckoutEmbedded In Person Cart CreationpostEmbedded In Person Cart Status LookupgetEmbedded In Person PINPad Activation Status RequestgetPIN Pad ActivationpostCancel Embedded In Person Cart CheckoutdeleteEmbedded In Person ECheck Payment for CartpostVoice Based CheckoutVoice-Based Cart CreationpostVoice-Based Cart StatusgetVoice-Based Card Payment for CartpostVoice-Based ECheck Payment for CartpostPost-PaymentLook Up PaymentgetGet Receipt Details for PaymentgetReverse PaymentpostReverse Payment ItempostMiscService CheckgetVoice-Based Cart Creationpost https://{env}.gsg.tech/api/v1/pay/voice/cartsThis endpoint allows for creation of new voice-based carts to be checked out.